Tell me a better story 1
tanssiteatteri /dance theatre
cie. toula limnaios (Saksa / Germany)
Teatteri Imatra
70 min
Osta lippu
Berliinistä saapuu Imatralle tanssiteatteri cie. toula limnaios kahdella eri esityksillä Tell me a better story 1 ja Tell me a better story 2. ”Tell me a better story 1 ja 2 ” on sarja soolo-/duettokappaleita, jotka kehitettiin ryhmälle eristyneisyyden ja pandemian aikana, jolloin kohtasimme epävarmuutta ja epätoivoa, katsomme olematonta tulevaisuutta, koimme jokaisen päivän uudestaan. Annoimme toisillemme tämän "arvokkaan ajan" ja antauduimme kehitysprosessille, joka tarttui meihin odottamatta ja vei meidät mukaan.
»Tell me a better story 1« is the first part of a series of solo / duet pieces that were developed for the ensemble during the period of isolation and Pandemic. faced with uncertainty and Desperation, looking at an inexistent future, we experienced every day anew. we gave each other this “valuable time”, and surrendered to a development process that grabbed us unexpectedly, and simply took us away. enriching like a blessing, in Retrospect.
the Charisma of every dancer and their Personality has always been characteristic of our work. their individual strengths will be Unveiled in six solos and a duet, reflecting the personalities of our ensemble, whose character and aura are always present on the stage, and imprint the work of the cie. Toula limnaios.
concept/choreography toula limnaios
music ralf r. ollertz, paul tinsley
dance/creation laura beschi, alessio scandale, hironori sugata, karolina wyrwal
technical director/lightdesign felix grimm
space/costumes antonia, limnaios, toula limnaios
lighting & stage technics domenik engemann
photos: Cyan and cie.toula limnaios